We recognise that our staff are our greatest
asset. We strive to go the extra mile, achieving many more
Standards to benefit both our staff and ultimately, therefore,
our clients.
Trinity House recognises the contribution
staff have made to making our business a great success and
something to be rightly proud of.
Our qualified psychiatric staff and support staff have many
years of working in psychiatric (forensic) residential care
homes, and are employed to provide the support services
to the service users living at Trinity House.
Support staff are given the opportunity
to complete NVQ training at level 2 or 3 in Health and Social
Care as well NV4 (Leadership and Management). All staff
possess (or are working towards) NVQ 2, 3 and 4 qualifications.
All staff receives a full induction-training
programme of twelve weeks duration and in addition, completing
mandatory courses amongst other trainings (mental health
& relevant legislations) as relevant in running the
Home efficiently. .
Trinity House invests in its staff; we believe in developing
staff and service users together. The care we offer our
clients is reflected in our culture and approach to recruitment
and retention of staff.
Please click
here to download our Recruitment Application Form.